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Looking for a Home Inspection? From Pre-Purchase Inspections, to New Construction, Mold Inspections, Warranty Inspections, Multi-Family Inspections, IAQ Testing & More, Motorious Solutions has you covered! Providing reliable, high-quality service to Calgary and it's surrounding areas.
Home Inspections done by Motorious Solutions

Calgary Home Inspection Services

Motoriously Good Home Inspections giving you peace of mind and pure satisfaction!

When it comes to your dream home, the last thing you need is unwanted repairs to bring it up the cost on your investment. This one of the largest investment you will ever make, and it is keen to not take anything for granted and always take special care when looking over the home. You can trust the experts at Motorious Solutions to help give you that clarity when making such crucial decisions! Finely orchestrated to your needs and wants, you can rest easy knowing that you will be satisfied with the remarkable service we bring to the table.

Arm yourself with the best possible defense for your investment. Your Home Inspection is the first line of defense when it comes to avoiding unwanted repairs and damages, and other possible weaknesses the home may be suffering from! You need to know if your property is ready to handle you and your family, and Motorious Solutions can solve that problem for you. If you require a Home Inspection seek the professional and qualified help of the Inspectors at Motorious Solutions.

Calgary Mold Inspection Services.

Mold can be extremely damaging to your home and your health! Get tested today!

If your family is worried about any mold that may be negatively affecting their indoor air quality or how it could be damaging their home, are advised to contact Motorious Solutions right away for a Mold Inspection! Calgary and all of its surrounding areas can breathe easy knowing the professionals at Motorious Solutions are here to help. Motorious Solutions is all about trust and building good relationships with clients. We believe the only way to do that is to make sure there is no conflict of interest which means we do not remove mold. Get the right information to give you the knowledge to make proper decisions!

Several warning signs can be attributed to mold growth in the home. If you are feeling sick on a regular basis, can see mold physically growing, water damage has recently occurred, or a strange odor/smell can be smelt throughout the home, are all signs of mold growth. The professionals at Motorious Solutions can help you determine the size of your problem and point you in the right direction to your solution. Motorious Solutions uses state of the art tools to get the job done right and to show you everything you need to know when getting your Mold Inspection. We send all of our air samples off to a certified independent laboratory for testing and analysis

Motorious Solutions has helped countless people gain peace of mind when dealing with their Mold problems. By determining the root cause of the problem and giving knowledgeable advice on how to deal with these issues, Motorious Solutions can promise you that your Mold Inspection will be impeccable. The information we provide with clients is important and reliant on trust, and that gives us pride knowing our customers are in the right hands. Don't just get rid of your Mold, make sure you get rid of it properly so it does not come back to haunt you twice! Motorious Solutions is the first step involved in making sure that never happens.

Mold Inspections done by Motorious Solutions in Calgary
Indoor Air Quality Testing done by Motorious Solutions

Calgary Indoor Air Quality Testing.

Don't take the air you breathe for granted! Get an IAQ test today done by the professionals at Motorious Solutions

Your indoor environment should provide and promote good health, comfort, and well-being for the buildings inhabitants. A comfort zone dictates temperature and humidity and respiratory gasses such as Carbon Dioxide(C02) that form natural concentrations are maintained within the space. Your air is free of disgusting odors or toxic contaminants. These are all attributes of excellent indoor air quality. We spend over 90% of our time indoors, and do not give a thought to the air we breathe every single day.

Canada has passed numerous laws over the years to combat the ever growing threat of toxic air pollution in the outdoors. However, indoor air quality in office buildings and residential homes may pose an even greater threat to your health. Indoor contaminants can reach very high levels of concentration and that can negatively impact your health in a number of ways. Scientific evidence has stated that acute and chronic health risks can result from contaminated air so get your air tested today!

Calgary Aqueous Ozone Cleaning.

Natural and Robust Agent that is 50x more POWERFUL and 3000x FASTER then Bleach and other alternatives.

DID YOU KNOW? Aqueous ozone technology eliminates the need for household chemicals which can be harmful to the environment and your family’s health. It is made from water mixed with ozone to produce a natural, chemical free, residue free, non-toxic, robust agent that proves to be 50% stronger and 3000X faster than bleach & chlorine based cleaning solutions. It is 100% environmentally friendly and safe to use in occupied spaces. It is safer, faster, and a cost-effective alternative to traditional cleaning.

    More information on Ozone:

  • It efficiently takes care of odors while destroying any fungi or mold, bacteria, or allergens.

  • It is made up of the air we breathe! Completely 100% natural

  • Has been used in the medical and food industries for years for it's anti-viral and anti-fungal properties

  • Destroys harmful bacteria by oxidizing the target and safely returning to Oxygen!

Advanced Aqueos Ozone Cleaning done by Motorious Solutions
Advanced Aqueos Ozone Cleaning done by Motorious Solutions

Calgary Ozone Shock Treatments.

No Chemicals and Complete Safe!

Eliminate odors at their source with Ozone shock treatment. No chemicals. No masking deodorizers. Just a simple, permanent solution.

Ozone generators remove household odors very effectively. For example, a rental property designated as non-smoking is often smoked in by the occupant. Simply cleaning it will not eliminate smoking odors because the fumes penetrate the furniture and fabrics, and tobacco smoke residue clings to the walls, ceilings, inside closets and cabinets and most other surfaces. Ozone gas can eliminate these odors at the source while being a completely natural and harmless alternative to traditional cleaning products.

    Odors that can be removed with Ozone:

  • Smoke Odors

  • Animal Odors

  • Mold Odors

  • Paint Odors

  • Body Odors

  • Garbage and Other Waste

Calgary ATP Auditing Services

Find out the exact number of bacterial colonies that could be spreading around your workplace!

The detection of ATP on a surface indicates the presence of biological matter that may not otherwise be visible to the eye. ATP found is in organic matter and microorganisms. By Measuring levels of contamination on surfaces, water, and product samples.

Whether in a restaurant, school, day care, fitness facility, office building, food processing facility or hospital, ATP testing makes it possible to show just how clean surfaces are by detecting the level of microbial contamination on surfaces in just seconds.

The presence of ATP on a surface indicates that the surface has not been adequately cleaned and has the potential to harbor and support bacteria.

ATP Auditing & Testing done by Motorious Solutions
Recall status checks done by Motorious Solutions


Check if any of your products are under recall status!

Manufacturers are required by LAW to notify and repair any products they release that are put under recall status. This means that product is faulty, and can have additional safety hazards that are putting your family in harm's way.

More often than not, the manufacturers cannot contact the consumer directly, so the consumer must rely on themselves to check and see if any of their appliances are under recall status. At Motorious Solutions, we have access to one of the largest databases available thanks to Recall Chek

    Appliances you can get recalled:

  • Dishwashers

  • Ovens and Microwaves

  • Washers & Dryers