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Ozone Shock Treatments

Ozone Shock Treatment Services

Calgary Ozone Shock Treatments

Ozone Shock Treatment Services and Information

Motorious Solutions specializes in Ozone Shock Treatments to help you clean your home, vehicle, or equipment of any germs or bacteria with Ozone. Ozone is 50x more effective and 3000x faster then bleach and other traditional cleaning products. Take a look below at what Ozone Shock Treatments can do for you!

You deserve to purchase a home that doesn’t smell like the last tenant or homeowner. You worked hard to buy it, will maintain it, and the last touch is for your nose to enjoy it also. Motorious Solutions can help you make take that “hmmm” to “this is the one”. Below are some of the odors we can eliminate

Tobacco Smoke - Like to smoke but can't stand the lingering odor? Tobacco smoke contains many harmful chemicals that cling to surfaces and have negative health effects. Ozone shock treatments can remove these chemicals and eliminate the odors caused by them.

Vehicle Odours - Do you smoke or practically live in your vehicle with your belongings calling your trunk or backseat home? Over time spilled liquids, smelly ashtrays, forgotten foods, and even the ventilation system can circulate residual odors. Ozone shock treatments can effectively remove these odors and freshen up your vehicle!

Animal Odours - We love our furry friends but let's be honest, they track outdoor germs into the house, leave hind hair, saliva, and even urine which penetrate into surfaces then crystalize. Don't waste your money on products that only mask the problem and don't eliminate the source.

Cooking Odours - The residue left behind from cooking is an optimal breeding ground for bacteria and odours. This can be a problem when deciding to sell your home or business

Work Equipment and PPE - Does the smell of your work boots follow you home? Gear regularly exposed to sweat will become a breeding ground for bacteria causing athletes foot.

Sports Equipment - Your blood, sweat and tears can break down your equipment reducing it's life expectancy and promote breeding culture for bacteria causing staph infections. Clean your gear fast and effectively with Ozone Shock Treatments

Storage Space - Left your belongings in storage for too long and returned to find it smelling musky and old? A contained space that is cold, dark, and moist is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria mold and mildew exposure to reproduce.

Studios & Venues - Gyms and exercise facilities are known for odours that are not easy to eliminate. Microorganisms thrive in this type of environment. Residual odor can cause guests to question the facility's sanitation. Treatment will results in a more safe and fresh facility.

Recreational Vehicles - Forget to clean out the septic system or refrigerator in your RV at the end of the season? This will result in bacterial growth leaving behind strong odors. Don't let this issue prevent your family from having an enjoyable travel experience.

Clean your home in a way you never imagined, and completely eliminate health threats that are a concern to your family. Using our proven methods we can show you exactly what are system does and how it can help you. Contact us today to get your home cleaned using Ozone Gas!

Call us today at +1 403 608-7116 or Email us at info@motorioussolutions.com

Get your Ozone Shock Treatment Today! Schedule an Inspection!